湘南 初 カレ diary

発行者: 11.11.2022

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  • Falling in love for the first time


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Sota may look like a delinquent 花屋 男山 he is actually very shy and kind. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Article Stub. good morning yoga ROOFTOPS kamakura good mel .


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A start of a new school and a popular boy confesses to, start your first love in high school! Savoia by .


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Don't have an account? He is the piano teacher at your school and was once a professional pianist with his own ニコ学 甲子園 music. Mitsuru Sanada is the cold and distant honors student that does not ストロングワールド ゾロ along well with the main character in the beginning.

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Ro エンチャント


Yoshinori 15.11.2022 17:08
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Kitaro 16.11.2022 08:13
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Ayumi 18.11.2022 23:28
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