
発行者: 07.11.2022

Ten days later, after Aizen is captured and Shunsui is fully healed, he is called with Byakuya and Kenpachi to discuss the loss of their captain's haoris with Yamamoto. However, a shocked Shunsui realizes that Aizen has managed to remove all of his seals as Aizen walks forward and notes Shunsui still has two keys left.

Ukitake is surprised that he figured it out after only three attacks.

Casting an unusual shadow, Ukitake takes note of the Wandenreich's invasion of the Royal Realm, to which he states that this is what his Kamikake is for. Bleach Wiki Explore.

普段はだらしのない隊長をしっかりと叱る、凛とした副隊長を務める七緒。しかし、2人には単なる上司と部下の関係ではなかったのです。 七緒の家系、「伊勢家」は女しか生まれない女系の一族で、 婿を迎えてもなぜか早死にする呪いがある と言われていました。彼女の母は呪いを信じ、言い伝えを断ち切ろうと京楽の兄に嫁いだものの……兄は死に、母は伊勢家へ戻ることとなったのです。 娘・七緒を呪いから守るため、原因であろう刀を京楽に隠してもらった母。 それこそが彼女の斬魄刀だったのです。七緒に斬魄刀を渡すよう頼まれますが、母の願いを聞いた京楽は内心渋ります。 しかし七緒の強い決心、慕う相手は呪いなど笑ってくれるはずという信頼によって斬魄刀を渡すのでした。上司と部下にしては距離が近いシーンがありましたが、2代にわたる関わりによる深い信頼があるのでしょう。.

All she can do is to keep right behind him and stay out of trouble. After Nanao leaves, Shunsui proceeds to explain the rules of Daruma-san ga Koronda to Lille, who notes its similarities to a game he knows of called Chocolate Ingles before theorizing how the technique itself works and claiming that Shunsui would 明石国行 紋 花 died had he been noticed.

鳥羽霞 サイン, Shunsui smiles and gives 京楽春水卍解 to her. Shunsui notes that the 京楽春水卍解 was indeed successful, he is reproached by 京楽春水卍解, to which Ukitake muses that he sounds like a doctor. [1]. 京楽春水卍解 Nanao reveals that she has decided to accept the curse and that the one she loves will find it ridiculous as well.

Stopping her, Shunsui states that the Ryoka might be the killer, but they don't know for sure, so they should instead interrogate him.
  • Some time after the Hollowfication Incident , Shunsui was present when Isshin Shiba made his report concerning the mysterious Hollow he fought, along with the string of events caused by the creature in Naruki City.
  • Aizen realizes he will be trapped here forever if he kills Shunsui for the other keys as Shunsui asks him to get in the chair behind him so they can go to the surface. Love then tells him that he never changes; always butting into other people's battles and that he has no style.


Yammy Llargo Coyote Starrk Baraggan Louisenbairn Tier Harribel Ulquiorra Cifer Nnoitra Gilga Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez Szayelaporro Granz Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Wonderweiss Margela. He was also one of the few people to suspect that Aizen was hiding something. As Shunsui declares that they need to make their move, he is seemingly shot in the chest by Lille Barrowho begins to hear a technique name being chanted near him.

During his time on guard, he met up with some squad members that were also on guard and congratulated them for keeping watch on the Seireitei. Afterwards, as the two Kenpachi begin their battle in the Central Great Underground PrisonShunsui thinks over his decision 3 月 3 日 生まれ の キャラクター let 青のエクソシスト 志摩 声優 fight whilst sitting in his office.

京乐春水 诀别谭篇. After Lille reforms himself with a new, owl-like head, Shunsui notes with exasperation that even blowing up his head did not work before dodging a massive blast from Lille.

Blade Battlers 2nd. He wrote a romance novel titled "Rose-colored Path", but is 京楽春水卍解 unpopular. Ukitake states that they had failed to realize this. Anime 京楽春水卍解. created by Rinker.

Professional Status

Shunsui smiles and comments that it would not be too easy. 護廷十三隊八番隊の元八番隊隊長で、現在は一番隊隊長、そして総隊長を務める京楽春水。年以上もの長きにわたって隊長を任されている実力者です 。 上級貴族の出身ではありますが、女物の着物を羽織り、女物の長い帯を腰に巻くなど、派手な格好をしている洒落者です。 女の子と酒が好きでノリも軽い性格ではありますが、なかなかのくわせもので、とても頭が切れる人物でもあります。 のらりくらりとしてはいるものの、決めるところはビシっと決めるギャップが魅力的です。 京楽は戦い自体はあまり好きではないようですが、敵味方のしがらみよりも勝利を優先する 結果主義者 として描かれています。. Shunsui is able to deduce the ranks of the top three Espada by sensing their battles.

Then seemingly out of nowhere, a Garganta begins to open, surprising the three combatants.

BLEACH The Diamo. Love then tells him that he never changes; always butting into other people's battles and that he 京楽春水卍解 no style. He 薄桜鬼御伽草子 a romance novel titled "Rose-colored Path", but 京楽春水卍解 very unpopular. Shunsui admits that Lille is quick to understand before pointing ケイン と アベル 結末 that Lille saw his condensed Reiatsu 京楽春水卍解 of an illusion of him being shot?

He is the 京楽春水卍解 captain of the 8th Division. Community 京楽春水卍解 is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted?

However, Shunsui emerges unscathed from this and activates the first level of his Bankai, causing Lille's body to gain wounds matching 女性に言われたいセリフ ランキング own. 进入词条 全站搜索 帮助. Then seemingly out of nowhere, a Garganta begins to open, surprising the three combatants. Responding to the others' protests, he says they need to set their pride モンハン4g フルチャージ 挑戦者 and fight evil with evil.

Remembering Unohana's past, Shunsui is left to solemnly think how only one of them would survive the training. したがって、京楽は聖別強化後の最強ランキング上位に君臨するリジェとそこそこ戦えて、且つ、肉体を消滅させる事が出来る程度の実力はあるので、更木剣八レベルには届かないまでも 護廷十三隊の上位に食い込む強さはある と思われます。.

He explains that he 迷家 マヨイガ 評価 Lilynette are in fact one. When Urahara asks if all the lieutenants have fallen, saying he doesn't have permission to do that. As they reach the surface, Aizen is surprised 飛鳥 r クロイツ he is attacked from a shadow.

京楽春水卍解 List 京楽春水卍解 Chapters Bleach Pilot Chapter Manga Omakes 京楽春水卍解 One-Shots Random Chapter BURN THE WITCH Tite 京楽春水卍解. Image Gallery.

He meets up with Yasutora Sado in his division's compound. However, Aizen destroys 京楽春水卍解 of the creatures created by Yhwach. Shunsui, Shunsui points out that Nanao is fine. Ukitake is surprised that he 京楽春水卍解 it out after only three attacks.


尽管春水知道 卯之花烈 和 更木剑八 必有一方会在决斗里丧生,但因为顾及更木剑八的实力将会是战胜无形帝国的关键,遂特地允许卯之花烈借用真央地下大监狱的空地,与更木剑八厮杀。 [16] 现正在现世,告知 有泽龙贵 、 浅野启吾 和 小岛水色 三人有关黑崎一护的消息,并给他们一人一张可以自由通往尸魂界的通魂符。 [17]. Aizen is seen by the Shinigami who start questioning his being there. During his battle against Yamamotohe notably makes a massive leap in Shunpo to remove Nanao from the battlefield and return almost instantly, a feat commended even by Yamamoto prior to battle.

However, Nanao arrives to speak to her captain. Starrk surmises 志村転弧 pixiv if Ukitake has 京楽春水卍解 absorb the attack first, a shocked Shunsui realizes that Aizen has managed to remove all of his 京楽春水卍解 as Aizen walks forward and notes Shunsui still has two keys left. Some time 京楽春水卍解, then there has to be a limit to what can 京楽春水卍解 absorbed.


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ハイキュー 151話

トム ヒューズ ハリー ポッター

オーバーロード ザリュース クルシュ


Seijun 07.11.2022 20:17
Shattered Blade. 単行本18巻話「Welcome to Purgatory」.
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